Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Warm/cool color scales

Color scales-Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna plus White
Paint opaquely
Push the development of color options, examine warm vs cool, light vs dark.
Be aware of your mixture, devise a recipe-quarters, thirds, parts, etc.-you decide- just know how to get to a desired color.

Next step:
Oil sketch- Bread and Water
Use your color scales as a reference to help determine range and as a tool to adapt what's observed with the goal to create a warm/cool oil sketch-
Paint warm in the darks and cool in the lights.
Often, lower key/darker colors feel cool and can even deaden a painting. (Warming up)  the shadow area helps create a more lively painted image- also, it helps avoid creating a dark void or flat mass within the painted image.

John Singer Sargent



Prompt Bread and Water narrative painting.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Color Palette


Organize your palette the same each time, location of paint on your palette will become intuitive and allow you to respond to the painted image, encouraging a continuous flow while in the process of making a painting. 

Your palette is inspired by the Zorn palette, modified by replacing Ivory black with a mixture of Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna. This allows for additional mixtures with the goal to examine an endless options of mixtures.

Color Complements
Color Temperature

Use complementary colors to neutralize the chroma or darken-down your color choice- 
Also, color shades can be achieved by neutralizing and adding darker values like Rembrandt brown-
The goal is to achieve the lower key without suppressing the color.

Color scale assignment:
Create 1 x1 inch color scales of the modified Zorn palette- use the palette page as reference-
16 x 20 inch canvas
Goal: First, Make the color in your palette, then paint the scale-
Due for a grade-Wednesday at the beginning of class-

Paint opaquely when creating your color scales.

A limited palette requires exaggerated moments of color to create an effective illusion.
Lessons in Classical Painting- J. Aristides


Links of interest: