Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring 2016 updated 03 16 2016

Art 116 Professor Zeggert
Week 9
Spring break

Week  10
03/28- Class 1: Complete Bread and Water oil sketch due at the end of class
or begin Bread & Water Narrative-
HW:  Develop an inventive narrative inspired by bread and water. The image of the physical bread/water still life staged in class needs to appear in the final painting (as a substantial visual element). The other aspects of the narrative for this assignment can be realized through the use of photo reference and props.
Objective: Create a unified painting based on observation and concept
Due: 04/06 at the end of class
Bring to next class (20 x 24 pregrounded canvas) .1
03/30 -Class 2: In studio, Bread & Water Narrative-

Week  11
-Class 1:  In studio, Bread & Water Narrative-
04/06 -Class 2:  In studio, Bread & Water Narrative-due for a grade at the end of class
HW: Create an oil sketch of “Pat”-Handout provided and posted on the blog.
Due for a grade 04/11 at the beginning of class-
Paint with an inventive light source (16 x 20-.5)
HW, study portraits by John Singer Sargent
Bring to the next class: (20x24).2

Week  12
04/11- Class 1: In studio,  Portrait lecture with Pat handout,
paint planes of the Head (20x24).2
HW: Bring Medium sized Mirror to next class-Self-portrait from life, yes, you and a mirror!
04/13- Class 2: In studio, Half Self Portrait over Planes of the head from previous class
Remind Family and Friends of your final evaluation- giving them time to plan

Week  13
04/18-Class 1: In studio, Half Self Portrait over Planes of the head from previous class
Assign Final- Transcending Descriptive Realism (24 x 36).2
04/20- Class 1: In studio, Half Self Portrait over Planes of the head from previous class

Week 14
04/25- Class 1: Figure model drape, in studio 12:30-2:30 (24 x 36).2 Must confirm