Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hat - Art 115

Assignment Art 115
Professor Zeggert
Broome Community College
Spring 15

Create a narrative style drawing of someone in a hat. Your investigation and statement of the subject should be more than just a person in a hat. The hat should explain and help define the subject’s character and/or persona. Keep in mind, when putting on the hat; the subject should reveal a new or different identity all together and it’s this identity or persona that should come through in the finished drawing.
The drawing should consist of visual information and environmental elements
that support and inform the idea.
Correct use of photo reference.
Create a complete picture dealing with the entire composition.
18 x 24 paper
Illuminate your subject with a single light source, (turn off the flash on the camera)
Must use 8.5 x 11 paper format photo reference, B&W,
Work life-size
Photo reference-due next class for a grade
Final due at the end of class on 4/15, 4/16

Concepts covered in class that should be applied to the drawing:
Realize the entire value range
Achieve sculptural weight
When constructing the drawing, work in terms of general to specific
Remember, the finished drawing is the result successive sittings; this coincides with the concept of general to specific
When shooting the photo reference, your subject should fill the majority of the camera view-finder
Examine and consider an unusual point of view
Make sure you have a clear understanding of the concept you’re trying to achieve with the finished drawing
Let the drawing live as a drawn image
Confirm that the composition reflects the point of the picture