Friday, November 9, 2018

The content of the Museum Visit Paper:

The Museum Visit Paper:
The content of the paper should include:
Be brief and to the point, write tight and bright.
Explain your 
museum choice include what compelled and drove you to the work you selected!
Comprehensive content:
Explain and define the painting and movement, the contributors and any social trends relevant to that period!
Contextualize your report, use the 3 (Is) framework, address the Impact, Interest and Importance of the painting.
The formal elements:Use the formal elements as a foundation for your discussion, especially when discussing the esthetic of the painting, include opinion if appropriate! (ie; discuss color, medium, surface tension, brush stroke, include emotional and technical impact if relevant).
Wrap it up, your conclusion should be historically rooted but infused with opinion, and there's no shortage of opinion in this class, so let it come through in this statement!!! T
his can be forward looking, too. Evaluate if  there's something you could extract from this exercise and apply it to your next painting!
Refer to the MLA style guide for style and citations:
Use the MLA Style Guide as your citation reference and for other traditional formatting questions: 
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition or later is fine, published by the
Modern Language Association of America (MLA).
You can find copies in the library’s reference and circulating collections,
call number PN147 .G53 2009. Or use link:
Objectives: Organize a thoughtful statement based on the visit, research and critical thinking.
Craft a minimum 400 word statement- must be typed and printed.
Include a selfie of you and your selected work, in-turn the image should be used as a cover-page for the report.
Cover-page should include, report title, painting title (proper citation), your name, the class and the date.
Statement due May 20 at 12:30 pm.
Have fun and be informed!
Qualifying museums:
Johnson Museum
Arnot Museum
Metropolitan Museum

Pre approval-
Binghamton, or other

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